In this section:
We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new Pre School Facebook page....
Find out what we have been up to during the Spring term 1, 2025. ...
Our Eco Council have been out and about in the community, doing 'their bit' to s...
We are really proud of our Pupil Survey results for the 2024-25 academic year. P...
We are proud to share our exceptional and wide ranging club offer for Spring 2 2...
Our school council considers, as a standing agenda item, the ways in which our s...
We are pleased to confirm that we have a February 2025 half term club running at...
We have had the best Autumn term 2 at Newcroft. Find out what we have been up to...
We are proud to share our whole school Anti-Bullying Pledge, 2024-25! ...
Bullying can be described as being ‘a deliberate act done to cause distress solely in order to give a feeling of power, status or other gratification to the bully. Bullying can range from ostracising, name-calling, teasing, threats and extortion, through to physical intimidation, assault on persons and/or their property’. It involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Children who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.
First and foremost, we teach our pupils what bullying is and that it is not acceptable. We use the S.T.O.P (several times on purpose) to help pupils to understand what the difference is between bullying and friendship issues. We teach anti-bullying explicitly through our PSHE, RSE and British Values curriculums. We take part in awareness raising events such as Anti Bullying week each November. It is also taught inexplicity through our school values and SMSC. See our full behaviour policy here.
We hold the nationally recognised 'Gold' Anti-Bullying Award, recognising our dedication and strong policies and procedures in place linked to anti- bullying.
Pupils at Newcroft are taught that they can tell a trusted adult, or use a worry box or monster found in any of our classrooms or in our whole school worry box.
Bullying is not acceptable in our school and we work to ensure that pupils who bully and who are bullied are given the help they need. More detail about this is available in our anti bullying policy.
All our staff who work with the children receive extensive anti bullying training, through the Anti Bullying Alliance. We have earned the 'Gold' Anti-Bullying Award, demonstrating excellence in our provision and training to support pupils.
If you have a concern about friendships or think your child may be being bullied, please speak to your child's class teacher without delay, who will seek support from the Senior Leadership team and Head teacher, who will investigate further. Your concerns will never be ignored.
Some useful links for parents and pupils:
At Newcroft, everyone has the ethos of 'it could happen here.' Our approach to dealing with allegations, to the education of child on child abuse of any kind and to keeping all children safe whether that be the alleged perpetrator or alleged victim, is outlined in our Child on Child Abuse Policy. This can be found in the policies section of our website.
Any adult or pupil who has a concern should speak to our DSL, Mrs Aukland for advice, support and next steps.
Further advice for parents can be found here:
Diane Lane, Business Director
Newcroft Primary Academy
Trueway Drive
LE12 9DU
01509 503214
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