In this section:
We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new Pre School Facebook page....
Find out what we have been up to during the Spring term 1, 2025. ...
Our Eco Council have been out and about in the community, doing 'their bit' to s...
We are really proud of our Pupil Survey results for the 2024-25 academic year. P...
We are proud to share our exceptional and wide ranging club offer for Spring 2 2...
Our school council considers, as a standing agenda item, the ways in which our s...
We are pleased to confirm that we have a February 2025 half term club running at...
We have had the best Autumn term 2 at Newcroft. Find out what we have been up to...
We are proud to share our whole school Anti-Bullying Pledge, 2024-25! ...
This term, our topic is “I’m an evacuee get me out of here”, where we learn all about World War II. In our history lessons, we will learn about how World War II and a more comprehensive understanding of how empire and rebellion influenced Hitler and his plan to dominate Europe. In English, we will be writing a diary entry from the perspective of an evacuee, a short narrative from a time period during the war and a persuasive advert for the Women's Land Army.
Both Year 6 classes will now have PE on a Wednesday and a Friday.
Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school each day.
The children have homework set weekly, in both English and Maths. This homework is set on a Monday and will be due the following Monday. Year 6 complete most of their homework online. Sometimes, SATs papers may be sent home for revision.
We also encourage the children to read three times weekly, as part of our Regular Readers competition, as well as learning their weekly spellings. Weekly spellings will be tested on a Monday.
The children also need to play on TTRS each week as part of their homework.
Diane Lane, Business Director
Newcroft Primary Academy
Trueway Drive
LE12 9DU
01509 503214
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